About the Greater Ann Arbor Region
The Greater Ann Arbor Region’s Prosperity Initiative is a collaboration among partners to expand economic prosperity and quality of life. Regional partners have identified a common prosperity vision and created an action plan to achieve that vision.
The six-county region is made up of flourishing urban areas, acres of beautiful rural farmlands, dozens of charming small towns, and abundant natural resource and recreation areas.
Did You Know…
- More than one million people call the region home
- The region is home to two public and seven private universities, as well as five community colleges
- There are 22 cities, 29 villages, 110 townships in the region
- The region is a hub for the emerging connected and autonomous vehicle industry
About the Regional Prosperity Initiative
The Regional Prosperity Initiative (RPI) was established by Gov. Rick Snyder and the state legislature in 2014 to encourage local partners to create vibrant regional economies. The RPI is a voluntary program developed to recognize the ways in which Michigan regions and their myriad of planning and service-delivery entities benefit from a shared vision for economic prosperity.
A consortium of over 70 public, private, and nonprofit organizations in Prosperity Region 9 were awarded RPI grant funds over the last three years to collaboratively enhance economic prosperity in the Greater Ann Arbor Region. A management team made up of representatives from regional organizations representing education, economic development, transportation, and workforce development coordinates the implementation of the five-year strategy.

A Roadmap for Economic Prosperity
With a clear understanding of assets and challenges, regional partners have laid out a vision for economic prosperity in the Greater Ann Arbor Region. Over the next five years, stakeholders will work together to address two broad action areas for supporting and advancing this vision: 1) Grow and attract talent to the region that can meet industry needs and 2) Advance a high-quality, diverse transportation system.